Monday, November 26, 2018

Making It to Winter Break!

Four Weeks!

Four Long Weeks!

Every teacher knows how hard it is to make it from Thanksgiving to Christmas.  It doesn't help when the calendar works against you to put Thanksgiving early and the Christmas Break late. But, as we always do, we put on our big girl (or boy) panties (boxers) and make things great for our kiddos!

Here are a couple of ideas that may help you make it to the Winter Break!

1. Pare it down! Prioritize! Anything that can wait....can wait.
Grading, Report Cards, End of Semester Exams....there is no getting around some of the things that have to be done by the time you leave for the Winter Break. But there are plenty of things that can take a back burner. Don't add any extra tasks to your plate and postpone anything that doesn't require your attention in the next four weeks. I'm not a big fan of procrastinating, and I don't typically advocate putting things off, but for everyone's sanity, it's not a bad idea to prioritize the important things!

2. Don't build anticipation for the break!
While you can't avoid the many presentations, plays, parties, and projects that come with this time of year, you can minimize the disruptive effects by focusing on classroom routines and keeping to them as much as possible. Keep steadfast in your efforts to keep students on task and in the groove of your everyday procedures.

3. Plan High Interest Low Energy projects!
'Tis the season to plan those projects that take less planning but that the students love to do and are high interest. Plan for content instruction the first couple of weeks, and plan to give students time to show what they know the last couple of weeks. Include some technology ideas like creating a video or making a website. Yes, those younger kiddos can do it too! Plan to grade the project as the students are working, so as not to have all projects due at once. It is never a great feeling to have 50, 75, 150 papers or projects to grade at the end of the grading period or hanging over your head during the whole break!

4. Share the Wealth
Collaborating with your team of teachers is a great way to chunk the necessary lesson planning and lessen the number of tasks you have to take on during this crazy time period. While you may think taking the time to get together just takes away from the time you have to get things done, working smarter - not harder or longer- can really make a difference. Share those great projects and ideas!

5. Ramp Up the Positive Reinforcement!
Whatever you are doing to reinforce the positive behavior and the adherence to the procedures and expectations in your classroom, it's time to do a little more.  I know....I know....I said Pare It Down....but not when it comes to positive reinforcement. This is the time of year when what we are doing in our classrooms tends to quit working as effectively as it was. It's time to change things up, add another layer, do a little more.

Here are a couple of great positive reinforcement templates you can use to give kids some rewards for following the procedures and expectations! Add your own incentives on each slide and put the slide deck in present mode to have students click on the ornaments or parts of the snowflake to get a prize.  Change the incentives as needed to get you through the next several weeks! Click the link to make a copy!
Christmas Tree Template (thanks to Meredith Akers -
Snowflake Template

Whatever it takes, we can work together to make it through the next four weeks and make the learning for our students meaningful and engaging. Keep calm and hang in there!