Wednesday, January 23, 2019 and Google Sheets! Tools for Every Teacher Toolbox is one of the coolest sites for creating content for the classroom. Need a set of flashcards? Flippity has a template that allows you to make some. Want to set up a jeopardy type quiz show? Flippity has a template for that! Need a random name generator or bingo card for content review. Yep, you guessed it. Flippity has those. Here is a list of all the items you can create using a spreadsheet and
  • Flashcards
  • Quiz Shows
  • Random Name Picker
  • A Scavenger Hunt
  • Fun Word Art
  • A Timeline
  • A Badge Tracker for Classroom Gamification
  • A Typing Test
  • A Spelling Word Manager with a list, practice, quiz and games
  • A Word Search
  • A Crossword Puzzle
  • A Word Scramble
  • A Bingo Game
  • Hangman
  • A LeaderBoard/Progress Indicator
  • A Memory Game
  • Madlibs
  • Mix and Match
  • A Tournament Bracket
  • A Certificate of Completion
The site provides a demo of each of the provided items, the instructions for making each thing, and a template of the spreadsheet needed to make the item (you don't even have to start from scratch!)

Need Some EL or Bilingual Support?

Use a spreadsheet and the Google Translate Formula to create a list of translations for vocabulary words.

Choose a cell. Click in the formula box above the column letters and to the right of the fx symbols. Type in the formula below.
=googletranslate(Cell, Country Code for First Language, Country Code for Second Language)
Ex: =googletranslate(A2,"en","es")

  • The formula always starts with an = sign. 
  • The name of the formula is googletranslate. 
  • What you want to translate is put in parenthesis. 
    • The A2 refers to the cell that contains the text to be translated. 
    • The country codes are in quotation marks, with the original language first and the language of translation second. 

This is what the spreadsheet will look like:

Google Translate supports over 100 languages. You can find the codes to use in this formula here.

Once you create the first line, use the little blue box in the bottom right corner of the cell with the formula to copy the formula down to the next lines.

Now use the Flash Card Creator instructions on and your newly translated list of words to create a set of flashcards for your kids!

Have I convinced you to become a spreadsheet guru and a lover?  This one stop shop of a plethora of engaging content creators should be a no-brainer for your teacher tool box!